Pasci learnt to drive like a Malaysian very quickly....and very well too! One would even call him a hooligan driver! / Pasci hat schnell gelernt in Kuala Lumpur zu fahren...und auch sehr geschickt!
The last few days running up to Chinese New Year are always buzzing and full of action . The weather has also been extremely hot and stuffy; and that means there is normally a thunderstorm/shower in the late afternoon or evening....which is normally accompanied by thunder and lightning (which Pasci found very interesting...).
Basically, the couple of days before CNY consists of people doing last-minute shopping, shops trying to dump all their stocks to maximise revenue before the year's bit...LOTS of food and cookies & biscuits to sample!
We also got ourselves a new toy - just in time to capture the CNY buzz... a NIKON D3000.... we didnt exactly do any research beforehand but knew that we would like to have a digital SLR camera, preferably before we get to Australia. And so we did!
This is our wedding present to ourselves! hehehe...I cant wait for wedding No.2 to get another present for ourselves. ;-)
We had a flat tired - and we only found out after 20 mins of 120 Km/h...The charge for changing our tire? RM 5 = CHF 1.50 / Wir hatten einen Platten und es kostet CHF 1.50 um zu wechseln!
The garage where we changed our tire happened to be suitably located / Die Garage bei der wir das Rad wechselten ist gut gelegen..
New tire! Limited to speed of 80 Km/h...booo! :-( / 'Neuer' Reifen...aber limitiert bis zu 80 km/Stunde... :-(
An ice-cream guy suddenly appeared out of nowhere as we were waiting for tire to be changed...he even had Durian flavour ice-cream!
A sneak preview of our wedding in July 2010! / Eine Vorschau auf unsere Hochzeit im Juli 2010!
Our air-conditioned 'bunker' - where we normally hid during the day to escape the heat! / Unser gekühltes Zimmer - wo wir uns normalerweise verstecken um der Hitze zu entkommen!
View from our Bunker / Aussicht von unserem Zimmer
CNY Preparation / Vorbereitung auf das Chinesische Neues Jahr
Not to mention bamboo (for luck), Cherry blossom (for luck/romance), pussy willow (for luck), Mandarin oranges (for prosperity).....get the picture of what Chinese customs are all about? ;-)
Viele Blumen und die Farbe Rot sind wichtig! Sowohl als auch Bambus (für Glück), Kirschenblüten (für Glück und Romantik), Weidenkätzchen (für Glück), Mandarinen (für Erfolg)...versteht Ihr jetzt um was es bei Chinesischen Bräuchen geht? :-)
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